Category: Fiction



October blankets the lawn 
In a confetti of leaves
Yellow and red and orange 
I spend a few extra minutes 
Under the down comforter 
Contemplating the changing light
And how it filters through
The yellow and gray curtains
You have my coffee waiting 
When I stumble into the kitchen
I cradle it and let it warm 
My hands as we say good morning 
Inside I’m falling back into 
A waking dream that haunts me 
A dream of lives lived before
And all the secrets they have 
Left buried inside me
I smile at something funny 
I’m sure you just said
I’m safe here, under the starry blanket 
Cats at my feet, you by my side
The coffee has gone cold in my hands
As the dream fades – FPB

Things to get and give

I’m all about giving things that are unique and created by artists this year. Whether that means a good book that happens to be written by one of my friends, or a photograph I took or by a talented photographer friend or a unique design I created or a shoe I designed. Here are some of the new pieces available on my Society 6 shop now:

Book Review: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Celeste Ng’s Little Fires Everywhere had me turning pages so fast that I flew through this book in two days. Click the link to get your copy.

For the Lady of the City of Lights

A poem/photo combo I composed in response to the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral.

5 Friday Fayevs

Every Friday, I’m going to take a minute to list my top 5 things of the week. In no particular order, here are this week’s Fayevs: Becca Under Eye Brightening Corrector This is an essential […]