It’s been very busy at work and the freelance job has not allowed for much free time to keep up my blog. I’m very happy though to get back to this. And share some of my new favorite things.
Society6 Bluebird Art Deco Wall Clock
Our kitchen clock bit the dust just after Daylight Savings time happened. We have teal blue counter tops and a very 60s mod kitchen so when Jason found this clock it was perfect. It took it a while to arrive, but we loved it and hung it only to find it not keeping time. I’m going to send it back, but hope the replacement works better because we love the look.
Johnny Was Lei Lei Linen Dress
I found this at TJ Maxx for a fraction of the price. I fell in love. It will be my new summer go-to dress – so easy and breezy and comfortable.
The sunsets at Watch Hill Light are spectacular. Husband and I took a wine class at Ocean House recently and drove out to the lighthouse to see the sunset. He freaked because the road says no vehicles allowed, so we actually turned around and left. He’s not a rule-breaker like me. But I could see the sun setting and the sky looked just like this. Next time we’ll walk. Hopefully it will be warmer weather.
Katherine Gendreau Photography
Katherine is the photographer my work hires when we need photos of our region. She’s become a friend and now that work is moving to a new building, we’re going to purchase some of her photos to decorate our new space. I have already chosen this one for my office. I love her work – it’s true fine art photography and this photo makes me think of funfetti cake. I also love her photos of boats.
Since it’s lent for us Greeks, and because we’d like to eat more vegetarian for health reasons, husband and I have been cooking veggie most of the week. This is one of my favorite Greek dishes and Jason has learned to make it perfectly. It’s amazing eaten with good feta and fresh bread. It’s like a Greek ratatouille and this recipe by Olive Tomato is the real deal.