Welcome to The Faye Files! Here I share my love of food, fashion, photography, travel and more. It’s a lifestyle blog of a real, everyday person, not a “content creator.” Sometimes I have a lot to say, sometimes I’m quiet as the everyday life gets busy, but I’m always real.
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Buy Nothing January Results
I’m a shopper. Not just any kind of shopper. I excel at shopping. If shopping were a sport, and some argue that it is, I would be an Olympic Gold medalist. As I started the long, arduous process of decluttering, I told myself I would really try to curb my shopping addiction come the new year. I vowed to not buy anything in January. I’d start with one month and then see how I did and try it again the next month.
How to Eat Real Food
One of my new year’s resolutions is to eat real food. I’m not going to name a diet specifically or limit myself. I just want to eat real food – meaning nothing processed and nothing […]
What “Self Care” Really Means
Maybe it’s my Gen X perception, but all this talk about “self care” just seems silly and selfish to me. It conjures up images of women in bathtubs drinking wine or spending way too much time and money on spa treatments deemed necessary by all those influencers on Instagram. It grants permission to be selfish and self indulgent and while everyone deserves to treat themselves in whatever way makes them happy, over-emphasizing self-indulgent behaviors under the positive guise of “self care” seems all kinds of wrong to me. I decided to take a look at what self care really means.