Did you know January is THE month for planning vacations? In fact, National Plan for Vacation Day is January 28. Where are you going this year? Have you thought about it? Americans are notorious for not using all of our vacation time. Only 28% of Americans max out their vacation days, according to a report by CNBC. American’s are also great at staycations. I live in a coastal New England vacation spot. There’s lots of great deals right now for staycations. If you want to visit where I live, send me an email and I’ll hook you up.
I’m one of those Americans. It might be years before I take a real vacation. I’m kind of a workaholic. Maybe it’s a fear that I need to work and I don’t deserve vacation. I typically travel quite a bit for work and often combine those trips with a couple of extra days here and there for pleasure. This year, I’m taking some time to plan my trips. Here’s where I’m going in 2020:

The Big Apple. I leave tomorrow for a whirlwind 4 day work trip to NYC for the NY Times Travel Show. Come and see me at the South County, Rhode Island booth! While there, I thoroughly plan to maximize my free time and do some shopping, catch up with friends and enjoy all the tasty food of the world NYC offers in abundance. Watch my Instagram for all the places I’ll be hitting up.

In April I head to Napa Valley for another work trip. I’ve never been to Napa Valley. I’m excited to tour some wineries and even more excited to go north and see the Redwood Forest. I’ve dreamt of that since I was a child. There’s something super comforting about being surrounded by giant trees. A strange comfort that these trees have survived for so long and will be there long after we’re gone. I wanted to get to LA, too, but that will have to wait.

In May, I visit Puerto Rico for one my favorite work conferences, produced by NATJA. I’m super excited to be part of a group that is bringing tourism to Puerto Rico, as really, that’s the best way for us to help them. My husband is coming along and we’re making a nice little mini vacay out of this conference.

In July, another work conference brings me to one of my favorite cities, Chicago. Usually it’s spring when I visit and that’s just code for extended winter in Chicago, so I’m thrilled to be able to experience summer, and maybe go on that architectural boat tour.

In the fall, husband and I are planning on returning to Greece. We’re seeing about perhaps combining the trip with Germany or Italy. We’ll see. It’s been 10 years since our last trip there and my mom and my sisters have completely renovated our family home in the village and I’m so excited to see it and to see our relatives.

In between all these planned trips might be jaunts to Nashville (for a conference), Florida to visit my friend and I’m sure little weekend getaways to some of our favorite places, like Maine, New Hampshire and Cape Cod.
Where are you headed in 2020? Are there any particular things you want to read about from my travels? Any suggestions on things to see and do? Let me know!