I grew up in a house where meat was cooked well done – always. I have never liked my meat even medium never mind rare. But my husband loves his roasts, steaks and burgers cooked medium rare and I have never once cooked any of those things correctly according to him. Now he cooks, too, and some will say even better than I do, so if he wants something his way, he makes it and makes mine the way I want. I just never seem to be able to get the timing right to keep meat medium rare.
This year for New Year’s Day it was just the two of us. I was craving a roast and so I made one. I followed this recipe, with some modifications. I used red pepper flake and garlic powder in the paste rubbed all over the roast and just thyme and rosemary, not basil. I kept an eye on the time and pulled it out even though all my instincts told me to leave it in longer. It turned out perfect! I did cook my piece a little longer on the stove. I just can’t eat meat that’s bleeding.

I paired it with these melting potatoes and a side Caesar salad and it was one of the best meals ever. We now have a lot of leftover roast beef for sandwiches.