Here we are in the early days of a new decade. It’s daunting to contemplate and plan out goals and such – there is always so much expectation at the start of a new year, nevermind a new decade. And that’s why I’ve taken my time settling into this new year/decade before laying out my goals.

Truthfully, some days I want to completely quit social media altogether and live my life in peace. But I’m a creator by nature and it’s hard to create and not share. One of my biggest goals this year is to create more art – be it photography or painting or some kind of mixed media endeavor. I got a new camera lens for Christmas and this gorgeous new camera bag. I’m ready to put them both to good use and add more work to my Society 6 shop.

Another goal is to be more conscious about consuming. Yes, that means less shopping and when shopping opting for the most ethical choices. In that vein, and to be a bit controversial, I’ve always believed wearing real but vintage fur is way more green and eco-conscious than faux fur. I was happy to see a blogger I follow and admire felt the same. Truth is faux fur is worse for the planet than vintage real fur. Don’t believe it? Read more.

My biggest goal though, is to get healthy. A big part of that is to lose weight, but also to feel better and not become diabetic. I have gained 15 lbs since quitting Keto a few months ago. Yes, Keto works. But no, Keto is not sustainable nor healthy. I found out the not-so healthy part when I saw that despite being on thyroid medication for nearly a couple years, my thyroid levels still weren’t where they should be. My doctor upped my dosage, but upon doing some research, I found that Keto can stop your thyroid from working completely. It’s extreme, but it would explain why the medication wasn’t regulating it. Scary. I decided to quit then and there, then I proceeded to eat everything I had been missing. Now it’s time to get back to discipline. Nothing crazy, just weight watchers because it’s sensible. And I restarted on Wednesday and I’m down a whole pound already. I’m watching carbs, not deleting them, just being more sensible about eating good carbs/whole grains rather than white bread/white flour/white rice. Also incorporating more veggies, cutting way down on red meat and no processed foods ever. And, my biggest vices of all – no sweets unless they’re fruits and no soda, not even diet. Here’s a recipe to try that I really liked: Moroccan Braised Chicken with Lentils, Smoked Paprika and Tomato.
That’s it for now. Will be attempting to create more regular posts this year. Seems like you guys like recipes. Drop me a note to tell me what you might want to read more about.