We rent. I know it’s not in our best interest to put a lot of money into this little rented house, especially since we’re looking to buy. But I don’t know how long it’s going to take to find the perfect house, so why not make the one we live in as wonderful as possible? I’m careful to make sure any changes we make are not permanent. Paint can fix almost any problem. A fresh coat of paint makes the room seem cleaner, even though you know how old everything is. It makes your furniture pop and can tie a whole look together. I hate painting. But it will be done. It’s just going to take some time to go room by room.
My first project though is the dated 1950s downstairs bathroom. It’s got pink tiles on the lower 60% of the walls. 1950s pink. But this precise pink is also what’s now being hailed as “millennial pink”. Ha! I say. It’s still dated. And I’ve tried playing with white fluffy rugs, an array of shower curtains and gray accents, but it still looks dated. So I thought, why not go with it? I saw these tiles online and flipped! They are giant removable wallpaper tiles. It wouldn’t take many to cover the upper half of the wall that’s now a dingy white. It’s big and bold and says f-u to the pink and takes it in a whole other wild direction. Add a giant cactus plant or tropical palm – fake of course – as nothing would survive in that windowless bathroom, and perhaps play it up even more with this shower curtain.
Then I’d replace the vinyl floor with a nice bamboo stick on floor tile and add some white fluffy rugs and viola – a whole new bathroom that feels fresh and wild – not stuck in 1950.
Before and after photos to come!