
Furnish is where I’ll be posting about interior decorating, furniture and my love of everything home. I’m a Cancer so by nature, we’re homebodies. My father used to call me a houseplant because I so enjoyed staying home curled up on a comfy chair with a book. Nothing’s changed. My husband and I have a lot in common, but unlike most husbands, mine has a strong opinion on home decor. I mostly agree, but there’s times when my tastes run more towards the feminine or gilded and his run more toward the traditional or folksy. We agree on mid-century modern and some art deco. I like cool colors like blues and greens with white or pastels like blush or lavender with metallics. He loves red, burgundy, orange, brown. You see the issue. Anyway, we’re just renting for now, and while we hope to purchase our own home in the near future, I’ve resolved to improve the one we’re living in now because if you love the space you’re in, you’re happier, right? I’ll post here about my projects, my finds and tips and tricks I learn along the way.
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