I didn’t start this blog with the intention of entering into brand partnerships. I wanted it to be 100% honest. But I realized along the way, if you believe in a brand and it’s something you love, there’s nothing wrong with a partnership. I also learned that if you’re approached by a brand, do your research, see if their values align with yours, try them out, and if you love the product, then you’re not being dishonest. That said, there are a lot of brands out there looking to scam would be influencers. More on that in another post. But first, let me tell you about Athia Skin Care.

Athia is geared toward active women. Am I active? Not as much as I’d like to be. But, they address several problems I have with my skin: dryness, enlarged pores, breakouts and wrinkles. I’m 47. Wrinkles are here. What got me is they are created by women for women and specifically set out to address those issues I just listed.

I liked their mission and I liked their philosophy so I accepted a brand ambassadorship. I hesitantly ordered my first product, the face cleanser. I thought, well, we’ll see if it irritates my overly sensitive skin. It came quickly – way sooner than I expected – and the photos are from the first time I tried it. I was impressed by the rich, luxurious texture and the lovely fruity smell.
It left my skin clean, hydrated – super hydrated – soft and glowing. I immediately liked it, but thought, wait til morning Faye. I feared I’d wake up with super irritated skin, but no. In fact, the redness and adult acne I have been struggling with had faded. It’s been 4 days and I’m almost clear. I’m being 100% honest here. I have nothing to gain – they’re not paying me. I just get a discount. And I can share that discount with you. Click here to shop. For 15% off use code: AthiaFayeFiles