I can’t believe we’re already in 2023. It seems like 2022 flew by. I am still wondering where 2020 and 2021 went. Last year, for the first time, I published my vision board for the year. I have to say, I made some good progress on my goals, but there’s still lots of work to do. One goal I did not achieve was to lose weight. That’s on the board again this year, and I’m happy to say I’m going into the new year 12 lbs lighter. Here’s to hoping I can continue to lose weight and end 2023 close to my goal. Another goal that got waylaid was buying my new Jeep. The Chevy was paid off last year and then promptly started breaking down, costing me more that $5K in repairs and now I can’t justify buying a new car when I’ve put this much into this one. However, it’s still on the board for this year. Maybe by the end of 2023, I can have my new Jeep. I also did not paint or write as much as I’d hoped last year. Thanks to having to go back into the office most of the week, my beautiful, flexible work from home schedule suffered, as did many of my passion projects. I did score a couple of new, paid writing gigs, though and getting paid to write articles about things happening in my area is so much fun and so rewarding. It’s not much money, but that’s not why I do it. I do it to get closer to the reporter I dreamt of being one day many years ago.
Enough of what I didn’t accomplish. Let’s talk about the things I DID. I traveled (mostly for work) to some wonderful destinations like Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Seattle. In Seattle I was thrilled to be able to spend a couple of extra days and visit where Twin Peaks was filmed. I was never so happy. Colombia took my breath away (literally – altitude sickness is no joke) and figuratively. What a colorful country where we had some of the most memorable experiences. Puerto Rico was a blast. The food, the people, the days at the pool…I needed that. I was able to shoot some amazing photos of my travels, which was another goal – to capture moments, not things.
This year, my travel destinations include Alaska, Nashville, Dallas and hopefully a return to Greece.
Continuing to practice my photography and capture moments, not things is also still very much a goal. Slimming down to my goal weight, not being afraid to try new things, continuing to write and paint and be creative and to declutter our home are also on the list.
What are some of your goals for the new year?