Month: January 2020
Did you know January is THE month for planning vacations? In fact, National Plan for Vacation Day is January 28. Where are you going this year? Have you thought about it? Americans are notorious for not using all of our vacation time. Only 28% of Americans max out their vacation days, according to a report by CNBC. I’m one of those Americans. It might be years before I take a real vacation. I’m kind of a workaholic. Maybe it’s a fear that I need to work and I don’t deserve vacation. I typically travel quite a bit for work and often combine those trips with a couple of extra days here and there for pleasure. This year, I’m taking some time to plan my trips. Here’s where I’m going in 2020:
Here we are in the early days of a new decade. It’s daunting to contemplate and plan out goals and such – there is always so much expectation at the start of a new year, nevermind a new decade. And that’s why I’ve taken my time settling into this new year/decade before laying out my goals.